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Therapy Staff

Occupational Therapy Team 

What do they do: - Supporting children to access and participate in school life and routines, for e.g. seating, seating, using the toilet, getting ready to learn, and more!

Claire Heffernan Friday  
Megan Bertasso Friday  
Bibi Loonat Wednesday  


Speech & Language Therapy Team 

What do they do :- Eating and drinking, supporting different modes of communication (verbal, paper-based communication systems, eye gaze, switches, iPads)

Alice Gallimore Alternative Wednesdays 
Molly Hegenbart Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Bridget Yu Tuesday and Friday


Physiotherapy Team

What do they do - supporting children to move when out of equipment, adopting alternative positions and movements, standing frames and walkers and hydrotherapy?

Annabelle Vermont Friday
Mridula Madhukar Wednesday and most Fridays
Maisy Mansfield Wednesday and Friday


Therapy Assistant Practitioner (TAP)

Meena Poornachandran Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 

You can email the team or catch them in person between 8:30 am - 9:15 am or throughout the day around the school. Their TAP is also available to relay your message to the team. 

Note - Therapists are at school on specific days (see above for details)